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We would like to provide you with some information about the study being conducted as part of the development of our project

EVOLVE2CARE has received funding by the European Research Executive Agency (HORIZON-EIE-2023-CONNECT-02 101158152, Grant Agreement 101158152) from the European Union. We invite you to participate. Your participation is voluntary. The study has been approved by the Ethics and Research Integrity Committee (REDC) of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH).

You are welcome to discuss the information in this form with a family member, friends, or anyone you feel comfortable with. You do not need to decide immediately. You can take your time to think about it and make a decision on whether you would like to participate.

Please review this information carefully and do not hesitate to contact the study coordinators for further information or clarifications if you wish. You can also ask us any questions.

Purpose: Why are we conducting this study?

The “EVOLVE2CARE Insights Study”v aims to involve external participants as part of the project’s research activities to assess the impacts and challenges of promoting innovation in transitional healthcare. This involves incorporating the diverse perspectives of various stakeholder groups. The overall goal is to advance user-centered research, considering the needs of end users and other stakeholders when designing solutions and innovation processes. The specific objectives are as follows:

  1. To identify the driving forces and barriers related to the development of innovations in transitional care.
  2. To navigate the complexities of enabling innovative technologies in transitional healthcare.
  3. To gather feedback on prototypes and/or new developments for the EVOVLE2CARE platform, AccelUp.*

*AccelUp is a collaborative platform where participants can test their prototypes, technologies, and products. It was developed with funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under Grant Agreement No. 101007990. The EVOLVE2CARE project aims to further enhance this platform by developing new features based on the findings of this study.

Participant Selection: Why are we asking you to participate?

Your participation is important for our research because we are seeking individuals who have experience in research, have actively contributed to innovations in health technologies, or have used health related technologies (e.g., doctors, patients) or work in organizations related to healthcare service provision or in the creation of health-related policies. The study is targeted exclusively at adults.

Voluntary Participation: Do I have to participate?

You do not have to participate in the study if you do not wish to. Even if you say “yes” now, you can change your mind later.

Cost of Participation: Will it cost me anything?

There are no costs associated with participating.

Procedure: What will happen if I participate

If you choose to participate, you will be invited to voluntarily answer a series of questions in the form of an interview, an electronic questionnaire, or participate in focus groups where discussions will take place on factors that contribute to the development of innovative solutions in health technologies.

Data Collection: What data will be collected and for how long will it be retained?

The data collected will include basic demographic information and your responses to the questions, as well as your opinions. All this data will be collected anonymously. Additionally, your email address will be recorded only if you wish to participate in the interview or focus groups.

Your email will only be used to contact you for participation in interviews or focus groups and will be retained until September 30, 2026. After this period, it will be deleted. Communication will be conducted via the email address you provide and only by an official representative of the study.

Who will receive or have access to the collected personal data?

The personal data will remain with the Laboratory of Medical Physics and Digital Innovation of the School of Medicine at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. The personal data is not to be transferred to any third country or international organization.

Risks: Is participation risky for me?

There are no risks associated with participating in this research.

Pain or Discomfort: Will I experience any pain?

No, you will not experience any pain.

Benefits: Will anything beneficial happen to me?

Your participation in this research will significantly contribute to the advancement of our project, which aims to address the barriers faced by innovation in the healthcare service sector.

Sharing Results: Will you tell me what you learned from me?

Once we complete the study, we will be able to explain what we learned. Additionally, an informational leaflet with all the results will be available upon request. We will also inform others about our study and findings by publishing articles and meeting with individuals interested in our work.

Consent: Can I choose not to participate in the study? Can I change my mind?

Your participation is entirely voluntary. You can withdraw from the study at any time. Your consent will be in effect until September 30, 2026, or until you decide to revoke it by sending an email to If you revoke your consent, all collected data will be deleted. The right to withdraw your consent at any time does not affect the legality of the data processing carried out based on your consent before its withdrawal.

How do we handle your personal data and what are your rights?

The processing of your personal data is based on your consent. Your personal information will be encrypted and securely stored on a computer, and it will not be shared outside the Laboratory of Medical Physics and Digital Innovation. You have the right to request access, correction, or deletion of your personal data, to restrict its processing, or to object to its processing. You can also exercise the right to data portability. For any inquiries or guidance regarding your rights, you may contact the Scientific Coordinator by sending an email to or calling +302310999237. Any requested changes to your personal data will be completed within 30 days from the date of your contact with the Scientific Coordinator. If you have questions about your personal data and your rights or believe your rights are being violated, you can contact the Data Protection Officer of AUTH at If you do not receive satisfactory responses, you can file a complaint with the Hellenic Data Protection Authority by visiting their website at